Exchange & Return


  1. We accept change-of-mind order cancellation within 7 days of purchase, with no cancellation fee imposed. Thereafter, a cancellation fee of 5% will be imposed to cover administrative cost for any cancellation before delivery.

  2. All cancellation requests MUST be emailed to

  3. The Cancellation Policy is strictly NOT applicable to the following:

    - Customised / Special Indent Orders
    - Display Units / Special Indent Orders
    - Products purchased on sale / promotion / clearance
    - Products purchased on Bundle Deals & Purchase-with-Purchase Offers
    Products purchased on discounted prices

      1. We accept exchange and/or returns within 30 days of delivery, subject to a restocking fee of 20% of the product price to cover the administrative, logistics and handling cost incurred for the return.

      2. Delivery fee shall apply for the second delivery of the new item. Exchange/returns will not be accepted if in our reasonable opinion, the item is no longer in an acceptable condition due to wear and tear, misuse or abnormal/inappropriate usage etc.

      3. All exchange/return requests MUST be emailed to

      4. You will be contacted by our Operations Team to schedule a date for collection. Our team will perform the evaluation and if the returned item complies with our Return Policy terms, the refund will be processed within 14 days from the date of collection. Boulevard reserves the right to reject a return if we deem the condition of the item to be contradicting to our policy.

      5. Delivery fee is strictly NON-REFUNDABLE. The computation of the refund amount for a return shall be:
        Refund Amount = Purchase Price – Delivery Fee – Restocking Fee (20%)

      6. Restocking fee and delivery fee also apply if you wish to return the item (s) to place order for a new item.

      7. We regret that we do not accept any returns after 30 days from the date of delivery.

      8. The Exchange / Return Policy is strictly NOT applicable to the following:

        - Customised / Special Indent Orders
        - Display Units / Floor Models
        - Products purchased on sale / promotion / clearance
        - Products purchased on Bundle Deals & Purchase-with-Purchase Offers
        - Products purchased on discounted prices
        - Products ineligible for return – Mattresses / Cushions etc


      1. All pieces marked "display units" / "floor models" are sold on “as-is” basis i.e. at the state of condition seen during purchase and are not returnable or exchangeable.

      2. These items may have inherent cosmetic defects, and may not have the appearance of looking brand new. It is the responsibility of the customer to examine the product carefully before purchase.

      3. The display units have been heavily discounted to take into consideration their ‘imperfections” and will not be eligible for further discounts or promotions.